Thursday, February 4, 2010

Lip Sore Harden Peel How To Get Rid Of A Cold Sore On Lip?

How to get rid of a cold sore on lip? - lip sore harden peel

I have a wound on the lip! I have school tomorrow and I will not go to school look like. What is the quickest way to remove it! Help! : (


  1. Ughh I hate school with a cold sore.
    I use neosperean. It works very well.

  2. I am a dentist.

    The fires are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1 causes for short). The virus is in some of the nerves in the face (and lips present), and remains dormant until activated for several reasons.

    The cold sore usually begins as a bubble on the edge of the lip, where the virus replicates. This bubble grows until it bursts, releasing the viral contents and leaving a cleft lip is called a "cold sore". If you develop this bubble, there is no way to prevent the development of a cold sore.

    Is all we can do to prevent the use of some drugs to get the relief for full size (), for example, by limiting viral replication as possible. If you have a small bubble to burst in a small wound, less tangible and heals quickly. Some medications are current. Others have to swallow pills.

    For my patients who have problems with sores, I have to 2 grams of Valtrex twice a day for one day, when they see her as a bubble developed. Iwill also prescribe an antiviral Zovirax currently used in conjunction with Valtrex.

    Unfortunately, not much farther than you do. At least to my knowledge.

  3. This may not be the fastest way, but it is a test women who told the truth about cold sores, cancer, heal wounds, cold sores, and the traces of smallpox (again) that must be healed. The remedy is simple yogurt. Natural yoghurt. Dab tip of a finger on the plain yogurt (no flavor) and put a little special to the pain. Good luck.

  4. Cold sores take longer to heal. Try labialis More drugs.for antiviral treatment of herpes can visit folowing lnk ...

  5. One way to help in the long run can be completed at the beginning of the intake of zinc, a good quality. Zinc is a good antivirus and can help to outbreaks of cold sores (herpes and).

  6. The quickest way is Abreva? This removes a few hours.

  7. Carmex miracles would surprise me. but also helps chapped nose during a cold

    This is a better treatment of cold sores ... is a little expensive, but works like a charm
